Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Newbie single woman RVer

NOON Wed Chatting when shopping

Last Sat. DH and I went store shopping. To a pawn shop, an indoor flea market and a fishing/hunting store.

The flea market had a booth that sold personalize license plates. The pretty ones that usually go on the front bumper. We where standing there talking, which one would fit my personality. My DH calls me a free spirit. The lady at the booth spoke up saying 'yes, it is so hard to pick'. We talked about my traveling alone, she perked up and mention that her mother will turn 60 this year and retire. Mom's wants to purchase a smaller easier to handle RV and travel but able to carry this daughter and her 11 year old son.

Well, can't shut me up when it comes to talking about travel and what RV to pick. I have had 8 Rv's. Travel trailer, 5th wheel, Class A, B and C motorhome, home made on old truck bed, tent fold out, well you get the idea. All are great and all worked. By the way we never had a truck big enough to pull the trailer or the 5th wheel.

Left my blog address, name, and phone number. I really hope the mom calls me. She plans on retiring from work in June.


  1. Keep up the good blog Marie. Rhonda and I have a friend who just lost her husband late last year. She called us out of the blue (finally after much hunting her whereabouts). I had sent her a card and the good old PO forwarded it to her. Anyway, she is single and talking about RVing by herself too. I will fill her in on some of the things I know about it, but I will send her to your blog and maybe she will get in touch with you after she deals with some medical problems. I'm sure you can give her some sound advice. Her name is Nancy. So if you hear from her, let her know how much you love the lifestyle. Love reading your blog, Tom

  2. Marie here....Tom...hope Nancy calls, too. Travel is better than sitting in the recliner chair and looking out the picture window. So many great friends to meet in the RV life. You go Tom. Hope Sadie is doing OK.
