Saturday, March 27, 2010

Del Rio, TX -Heading West

5 pm..Chisos Basin Lodge-Big Bend NP

Has a wifi hot spot but is limited. Seems to block my post. So this short post is just a note. We are camped at Chisos Basin Campground . Just a short drive 'up' is the lodge and they have a hot spot. We are in Mr Van in the parking lot just under the Casa Grande big rock. As beautiful as you can imagine. Will post soon. Lots to tell.

Finally got this program to copy and paste. Needed to change the tabs from Compose to Html. But after an hour on this I choose to add the pictures later. Because it is time to go play.

Left Del Rio. TX ..West on Hwy 90

Well, I thought I was heading west. Took a wrong turn. In front of me is the Border. Where did that come from, I don’t won’t to go to Mexico. Big signs NO WEAPONS etc etc etc. Then a sign stated “Last Chance to Turn Around”. Yes, I turned. Went about 10 miles out of my way but hey that’s life. At least no one came up to my van and said Madame please open you doors so we may inspect. You can not make these people smile. I tried.

Pasted thru an area call Amstrad. Lots of blue green water that today has white caps, because of the winds. Many RV campgrounds here. Some look like just a place to stay but several where more on the resort end. Places for propane and camp stores. Not a bad place to be. Wish I would have driven here last night instead of MacDonald’s.

About 10 miles later I see stopped cars and two guys in fatigue with weapons and a dog, in the middle of the road. What is this, not Mexico again. I don’t like to rant but I do not like this. I suppose they are looking for people crossing the border without going thru proper channels, but the border is miles away. I thought I had made a wrong turn and was in Mexico.

Decided to mess with them, just a little bit. When I stopped these guys and the dog are position at my driver window. Sooooo I started talking. The usually Hi there, am I still on Hwy 90 going west, I’m not crossing into Mexico am I because that is not the route I want to go. These guys are young. Our well trained young men never varied from their script. They answered my direct questions but went right back to what they are trained to do. Soooo cute. The guy with the dog immediately walked to the back of my van and around to the other side, with the dog.. I thought he wanted to go into the van’s side door but he didn’t. He came right back to my driver window. This guy never said a word, not a word. He only nodded to the guy that stayed at my window. He asked are you a US citizen and how many people are in the van. Then he asked ’Are you traveling alone’. Trick question because he had just asked how many people in the van. I told him I was traveling with the Famous Chief and showed him Chief. No reaction. Never did get a smile. Can you spell Brain Washed. Sorry guys but I was really bored.

This is the sign I have in my window on the side doors. It always gets noticed. I am sure the guy with the dog saw it.

Oh, no pictures. Couldn’t push to hard!

This is the Peco’s river. Looks like floods can do a masses’ amount of damage in this part of the country. Several bridges have been built but washed away due to flooding. Looks like this bridge will not get washed away. The area I am taking the pictures from is a turnoff marked ‘picnic area and historical marker. This area is large. Large RV ‘s or truck’s pulling large Trailer Trailers, can easier get in and out.

West on Hwy 20 is Judge Roy Beams claim to fame place. The law west of the Peco’s. Take a left and it is less than a mile. Not much here but it is worth the stop. They have a small souvenirs store, a post office, a RV area just leave $15 in box, and very nice tourist information place.

The building Judge Beam held court and serve drinks is here (originally building and spot) or so the sign says. Then on to the cactus garden. Nicely done. All the plants had plagues. Nice to have a name and short description of all these desert plants.

The windmill was of interest to me. Later I saw several more. Of course, they where old and falling apart. But I knew what they where.

This cactus made me look. Why would a cactus be called blind. Read the plague. OK now I see J.

Stayed about 45 minutes and went to Mr. Van started the generator and put on the AC and had lunch. Didn’t spend a penny.

On my way to Big Bend Natinal Park.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marie, sounds as if the GPS didn't do you any favors. I know what you mean about trying to get a smile. When Rhonda and I came back from the small border town of Progreso, Mexico the custom agent asked me if I brought anything back from Mexico? I just pointed at Rhonda walking ahead of me since she had just passed through and told him, "No just her!"
    He replied very short with me, "Sir, did you bring anything back from Mexico?"
    I had to just smile to myself and answered him with, "No Sir."
    He then waved me through. I can't wait to hear about Big Bend. We are leaving the Valley on Wednesday heading for Waco, Texas for a few days. I hope you don't hit any dead spots in Big Bend, but I'm afraid you might do so, since I've heard there are a lot of them there in that area. Travel safe.
    Tom & Rhonda
