Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Computers take up a lot of your time

11:30 AM Computers and Digital pics

Does computer technology take up a lot of your time? Years ago, I protested about using computers. Now I have something to do, everyday, that involves using the computer. Very often managing digital pictures.

All my camera's and SD cards where stolen during two robberies this year. The thieves entered both RV's, in our driveway, when we where home. Most of the pictures (not all) are saved on my oldest computer, which is a Sony. For some reason this computer will not transfer folders to a CD. Then I could move them to the computer that is going on my trip. Enter this cable used for transferring files. Going to give it a try.

Newest computer cable to loose tack of.

Back to 'computers take up a lot of your time'. I expect this new cable to use up most of this afternoon.

5 pm didn't get to the computer transfer

Will try tomorrow to transfer files.

THE HARDEST THING ABOUT TRAVELLING IS SETTING OFF. It is so easy to delay travelling for various reasons but if you just take the plunge and get going many of the reasons for not starting seem to disappear and before you know it you are into the trip and having a great time. This is what is happening to me right now. The cold weather has me delaying. How do I get past this? Having a Van for a camper makes the cold really cold. Chief and I don't do cold. Looking for that 70 degree, but it seems to be cold from Ky to almost south Arizona.

What are we to do? I'm going to give myself a deadline for leaving then, maybe, we should just drive like the wind and not stop tell we are warm. Then sit for days and put Mr. Van into RV mode. Does this sound like a good plan??? We will see.

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