Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Maurepas, LA...Van stuck in yard

11:00 pm Out to eat

Neighbor lady, Lyn Painter, and I went out for a hamburger. The place we wanted to go was closed. Sign says they are open Fri, Sat and Sunday. Duh, should have read the sign last week. This is a neat place, on the river, but with a some class. They don't have a pool table but they do have a bar. Very small, food is New Orleans style.
Plus this is only 5 miles from the house.

Well, I made a bad judgment call and tried to move Mr Van to the back yard. Wanted it there to load, but I am stuck at the gate, mostly in the Boat Landing property. Will just leave it, tell tomorrow. Maybe it will be dryer and Mike said he will come with the tractor and give me a tug.

Also, drove to Gonzales, did the Wally world thing

Had to go here, Craig wanted a mounted thingies for a rifle. Hopefully I picked the right thing. This stuff is expensive. They have a 3 pack of LSU t-shirts, got to have that. On sale for $17.99.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marie, so what are your plans for the near future? Are you going to travel anymore or has the stick-house derailed your plans? I miss seeing your blog on your traveling. But believe me I understand since we are staying in Wichita until November. I have to get some new "booties" for the M/H. I just checked on the price of tires and it's going to cost me $400 per tire; times 6. That's not including Uncle Sam's commission.
    I'm glad to see you blogging more again. I've updated my blog and once I get it up-to-date, I hope to stay on top of it. Take care and safe travels when you get out. Tom & Rhonda
