Monday, May 10, 2010

Maurepas, LA..Slave labor

11:00 pm Slave Labor

Owning a stick house is a money pit, I don’t care what anyone claims. If you are around your home everyday, I think the work and dollars are painless, but that is not my case. I get here about once a year, soooooo for a couple of weeks I have a whole year to catch up. Add to that, this house floods (if you live on waterfront “it will flood”).

Flood water gets under the old part of the house and seats. It will evaporate and when it does the humid air permeates up to the house. This makes all my wood surfaces look moldy. I have to wipe down every surface in this house. Huge job, but it has to be done. The moldy smell makes me sick, I think I am sensitive.

Lowes sales this, call Mold controller. This really is working, just wipe it on and let it dry for a day. The mold is going away and the smell alone with it. Not cheap, of course, $27 dollars a jug. This mold is not black mold.

Because of treating the bookcases and cabinets I have to empty them and wipe it down. Slow process because I look at everything. Oh, the memories, this place is full of them. When I’m gone who will remember?

This is my 5th week being home. One of my longer visits. I haven’t stopped working, either on the house or the RV lot. But all is coming alone and getting done. One good thing about physically working hard is that I can eat anything I want. I like to eat and Louisiana food is great.

Just call me ‘slave labor’. Slave because I don’t get paid.

Mike, my neighbor, is still working, thank goodness. So far he has made about $400 dollars, he also scraped about $300 dollars worth of stuff from here. Good young man, well worth investing in.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have your work cut out of you! Don't work to hard! We love you.

    Joshua & Latisha
