Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Medical care on the road

Doctor appointment for Craig. Again he is the new patience. You may remember last week we went into downtown New Orleans to see Dr. Sanders, but because a transformer blew, and the building was out of electric service. Craig did not get in. Seems Dr. Sanders actually talked about meeting with Craig in his car that day. Not sure what to think about that.

Dr Sanders turned out to be a very down to earth, regular guy. I went into the office with Craig, I have questions too. Craig's psoriasis and arthritis is one disease. I never understood that. Dr. Sanders would like Craig to stay on the Enbrel. He has been on this 6 years. I wanted to know how long he would be on this stuff. The answer was forever, or as long as it continued to work. The Enbrel has stopped the ongoing damage to Craig's small joints.

Enough of that. The problem is that he has to see a Dr every 2 1/2 months for blood work, just to get a refill on a prescription that he has taken for 6 years. How is this going to happen on the road. Dr Sanders says he will make it work. We will call every 2 1/2 months and look for a Quest Diagnostic place, Dr Sanders will email the 'orders' for blood work. Take a look at the results and if no problems, would send the prescription on to our mail order place. We would call Accendo (mail order) and tell them where to send the Enbrel. Remember this is a drug that has to be refrigerated.

Dr Sanders suggested that we not take any chances with our medical insurance. If we look for another policy we could get caught in the un-insurable/existing catalog. So I guess Cobra will be Craig's medical coverage.

All of my budgeting now will have to be increase by four or five hundred dollars a month.

Options we might have are Social Security Disability, back to work or Veteran Affairs. Craig was in the Air Force for 8 years.

1 comment:

  1. Marie, I don't know if this would work for you or not but this is what we do. We get our prescriptions filled at our local Walmart. Let's call that Walmart 1. If we are traveling, we call Walmart 1 and they call Walmart 2 (where we are) to tell 2 to fill the needed prescription. We do get our prescriptions filled for 90 days at a time so that helps. I can see your dilemma. Hope you can work something out.
