Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feb 23rd...estimated date to depart

Asked Craig to set a date to begin our first RV trip. We have chores that have to be done, but these things can go on forever!!!

Among the to-do list is changing over our medical insurance. Craig is officially no longer employed on Feb 17th. That means his medical is over. I intend on purchasing a separate policy for me and maybe having Craig's coverage continue under Cobra. The Cobra insurance went up $400 a month from the 2010 amounts. How can this be allowed? For two people in 2010 the amounts was listed at $973 a month, the 2011 is listed for $1372 a month. And that is for 20% coverage and $1500 deductible.

Among the list of to-do's, is TAXES.

Today Craig wanted to go to Cabela's. So we did. Just walked around, he could not find any thing to buy. Seems that Cabela and Bass Pro both have gotten ridiculous on their prices.

Nice day out tho. Stopped for Popeyes fried chicken. Boy, life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Well, sorry to hear about your being taken to the cleaners by the American Medical System, "the best in the world...if you got enough money!!" If we all paid for our medical through taxes, it would be about 10% of what we pay the insurance bureaucrats. Yes, insurance companies ARE the unqualified bureaucrats that get between you and yuour doctor and tell you what you can't have, and who you can and can't see. Isn't that the argument they use against socialized medicine? We Americans are such suckers. They make up one blantant lie after another, wrap them in the flag, and we all swallow it like a sugar pill. Sorry for the rant.
    I hate seing good folks cheated.
    So Travelers, welcome to the road. I'm in Acapulco right now.
