Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tourque Converter returned

You remember Mr Van required a new transmission. Well, several attempts to fix the transmission didn't work. A local guy replaced this torque converter and said all was working. But not so. I expected Mr Van to be fixed for the Thanksgiving Holiday, so Craig and I could make the first trip to Louisiana. Well he did not fulfill this promise. He had 4 weeks to get this done.

Mr Van was finally fixed at another mechanic shop and a request made that this part would be returned to the first mechanic. He had charge me $854 but did give me a refund. The weather has been frozen here and I only just got this part returned. When I drove up the mechanic did not even turn around when I said hello.

This thing is heavy. Susie and I together could hardly get it out of the van.

My back has gone out, again. Soooooooo, this is what I do all day. Look out my picture window and watch the birds.



Tomorrow will be the 6 th day that I can not even get out of a chair without help. I take Lortab and Soma 3 times a day. I have increased this. Not good, but I called the Doctor and the 'nurse' wanted me to come in. Last appointment I waited an hour and 10 minutes to see the Dr. How was I suppose to drive 20 minutes(in the snow), find a parking place downtown, and get up to (see) the Dr. Who would not even touch me. I suggested we use our computers and skype a 'talk'. She only argued with me. By the way I have never seen the MD only the Physician Assistant.
The Spine Clinic in Daville, Ky does not have positive comments on the Internet.
I think this Dr office not longer likes me. I feel the same way.

1 comment:

  1. I am really sorry to hear about your back and the jerk mechanic! You have really endured a lot with this transmission deal! Hopefully you are feeling a bit better now. I understand your frustration with the medical industry as well :( It is the start of a new year though and I hope it is a good one for you!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"
