Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh Oh...Back out of whack

Ofcourse, you know the definition of life "what happens when you have other plans".

We are packing to move, a big move, lots of stuff and 800 miles. Pulled the vacuum out to clean the bays in the Condo. Pain, I scream, loud. Glad I was outside in the back yard, no one heard me and I didn't scarce the dogs.

This happens about once a year. I have never gone for x-rays or to the doctor about this. But now is different, I am older and our health insurance will run out when Craig leaves work this December.

I decided to complain. Off to the doctor's. Called about 1:30 pm and she said to come in at 3:30. Sheesh, I can't move without pain. Called Craig and he just doesn't get it. So I take myself to doctor's office about 3:00 pm.

I can not sit down because I can not get up, that is, without screaming in pain. They take me to a back room and ask questions and take my blood pressure (128 over 80). I stand up against a wall for over an hour and the doc comes in. He apologized but what can he do now.

He suspects a disc problem because I do not have a tender spot. That would be a muscle. If I lift my left leg, my back hurts. Off to the hospital for regular X-rays. Seems the insurance will not approve a MRI until a regular X-ray indicates the need.

Tomorrow will tell more. I just want to know what my body is doing to me. That age old question. WHY!!

Vicodin for pain and prednisol as anti-inflammatory. My dog and I are on the same med's.

Oh, Dr Wilson suggested that I should stop packing. Hey, you talking to me..........

Live, Love and Retire Early

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