Friday, January 7, 2011

Harrodsburg, KY.....Moving Sale..some junk gone

Left the Louisiana house around 9 am, Wed morning. Craig, Susie and I drove all day. Arrived in KY around midnight.

Susie enjoyed her first Southern Shower. A storm drove thru the Louisiana house early. This delayed us leaving, for the 12 hour drive. But who wants to pack and drive in a thunderstorm.

I had put a 'Moving Sale' ad in the Harrodsburg newspaper, that comes out ever Thursday. So we had to get the sale things displayed. Had a lot of business, sold $70. I know it does not sound like much money but I have priced this stuff almost at give away. Which is what I want, that is, this stuff to go away.

All we have left to move is the Condo (big motorhome), the Hondo CRV and the rental U-Haul truck.

Well, back to packing. I am soooooo glad to have my husband here to help. Usually, all of this is on me.

I'm not sure that I will get all this done before Jan. 15th. This is putting stress on me. Somehow I suppose it will all be OK. My time schedule all ready is two weeks off. This house should be packed and moved to the Louisiana house.

Thanks to Susie for driving 1,600 miles in less than 30 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Glad I could help you two out Marie and it was a fun trip. Soon it will be all over for you and you can take a breather.

