Friday, January 14, 2011

Bats in the attic.....Reallly

During the trip to the Louisiana house last week, we discovered that the house has new tennants. Bats....we had a bat (one) in the attic for years and that was OK. A renter decided to kill it, so that bat has been gone. But, now This is what I found. At least 6 bats, it was dark and the picture didn't come out very good.

Second try.

This is the wall for the tunnel steps that goes from the garage, under the house, up to the living area.

This wall goes all the way, to the ceiling, that is the attic. See the babies, the darker spot, about the center of the pic.

Not sure if any other bats are actually in the attic. Will worry about that when we get moved home next week.

We have all this bat poop to clean when we get home. These guys where not there in April. Hopefully, we can build a bat house near the canal in the back yard and get these guys out.

Boats in the ditches!!!

This boat was in the ditch. There were two. I wondered why. Took this picture from my back deck. What a waste, wonder who pays for this pick up and whoes boat this was.





1 comment:

  1. I hate the thought of killing anything so I also vote for trying to lure them away with luxury accommodations in a bat house :)

    We owned a resort in Northern MN when I was a kid and I can remember tons of bats being taken out of the cabins and main lodge. The method they used was half-full buckets of water suspended below the eves where they were seen exiting. Bats drop when they take off, fall in the water and end up drowning. I know one weekend they got over 600 bats total. They did a pretty good job of hiding it from me till much later knowing I would try to stop it...

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"
