Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Horses' Olympics...Photos

First, welcome reader Linda. Hope you enjoy the WEG pictures. I loved my time there. I know Monday, with your daughter was the most special time.

.Gal and Totilas. Favored in Dressage and they won.
.These guys where just out for a ride. Since I am not a horse person, well, I don't know what kind of horse this is. But it is beautiful to see.
.I never dreamed I would see this in person. Loved to watch on TV. Again, how lucky am I.





..And the top winner of all. Ahmed, for getting the most out of 3 days of the World Equestrian Games. Good for you Ahmed. Good Job.
..More pictures to follow. Monday and today was a day of rest and catching up on house duties. Tell tomorrow.

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