Tuesday, October 19, 2010

H'burg, KY...Lazy just Lazy

This is our devil 'fur' kid, Major. Ready for Halloween.

The RV blogger world is, just that, a world to itself. Blogger's who post almost everyday are special. IMO. Two blogs have had extreme horror happen. How do you wrap your mind around someones pain?? My thoughts are with them, but what good does that do!!

Company is coming. My sister will meet me at Cave City, KY tomorrow. We are sister's and are the same dress size, etc, etc, etc. She has come from Titusville, Fl and doesn't have the cloths for cold weather. I will bring extra winter things for her to use. She doesn't need them in Florida.

My VAN needs to be in the repair shop. I will drive it over today so the shop has it available to work on while I am gone. Will ride back on the Moped, I think it is about 10 miles.

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