Sunday, October 31, 2010

L'burg, KY...More Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey tour pictures.

Although the tour doesn't cost, the booze does. But that is the fun of it.

The visitor building opens at 9 am and the tours begin. You sign up and when all are ready your group goes across the street and up the hill for about an hour. Very informal.

Today nothing was running in the 'magic' place that makes the alcohol. An Italy company purchased Wild Turkey over a year ago and has built a new building (up the road) that will double the production. Soooooooo this old place will no longer produce. Bummer. I saw all of this last year but Jim has never been here.

One of the larger stainless steal tanks, holds 30,000 gallons of corn stuff. That's Jim.

This one of the 3 warehouses built on this site.

The outside of all the warehouses are metal but all of the inside is wood.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Moving sale....Discovery Craig's List

Do you sell things using the computer? Many full time RV'ers do much of their business electronically.

We need to let this stuff go. Seems like my stuff runs my life. You may remember, part of my 'new' life will be to scale down and start living. This has been hard. Can I do this?

I got on Craig's list and posted several pieces of furniture for sale. I have never used this site. I like this furniture but the house in Louisiana is full, I don't have room, also, moving will be easier with less stuff.

The day bed sold in 2 hours. They will pick it up tomorrow. Didn't understand why the sideboard and TV cabinet didn't show any interest. Wellll, guess who didn't complete the publish/post step.

Can old dogs learn new tricks. We will see.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wild Turkey...L'burg,.KY

Some places are just fun to visit. Our friend Jim came to visit and while Craig had to go to work, Jim and I visited this Bourbon Distillery.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Couples...One loves the RV life..will the other?

The title of this blog says it all....It's all I want to do RV travels. When my husband joins me, will he feel the same. He doesn't camp now, why would he start?

Meet RVer's Mariam and her husband. She is a health care provider (nurse) from Connecticut. The husband decided it is time to retire and he wants to travel. Wants to have freedom years. Mariam didn't do much RVing but said she was ready to try.

Sooooooo, they sold the house and a lot of stuff. Put the rest in a storage unit, purchase a nice 5th wheel and in April they started.

Miriam says she is surprised how much she enjoys this life. She contributes to the planning, which is firmly written in jello.

Will Craig (my husband) do the same? Next year will tell the tell!!!!!

Someone forgot to ask for a picture.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cave City, KY...Singing Hills RV park again

Company has arrived. My sister (Betty) is here, we are in the Condo and having a great time. How lucking I am, sister's shopping. Great fun!!!!

Have pictures but a slow Internet connection. Will post later.

Tomorrow Betty is heading out to return to Titusville, Forida. She has some school business that has taken a front row seat, in her life. She will take care of this as soon as she is back in Titusville, Fl.

Amtgard, ever heard of this. They are a groups that gather and 'play'. A group is here for Saturday and Sunday games. Will hang around and check this out. They are in tents on a large open field, looks like a perfect place for the 'games'.

Amtgard is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization that is dedicated to the recreation of the Sword and Sorcery genre as well as educational aspects of both Medieval and Ancient cultures. Amtgard focuses largely on a Medieval-based combat system but also encompasses the arts and sciences of the time, in a friendly, social atmosphere.

Amtgard uses safe, foam-padded replicas of Medieval weaponry. Anyone aged fourteen years or older may compete in the martial aspect of the game but we welcome members of all ages. There's a place for everyone.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

H'burg, KY...Lazy just Lazy

This is our devil 'fur' kid, Major. Ready for Halloween.

The RV blogger world is, just that, a world to itself. Blogger's who post almost everyday are special. IMO. Two blogs have had extreme horror happen. How do you wrap your mind around someones pain?? My thoughts are with them, but what good does that do!!

Company is coming. My sister will meet me at Cave City, KY tomorrow. We are sister's and are the same dress size, etc, etc, etc. She has come from Titusville, Fl and doesn't have the cloths for cold weather. I will bring extra winter things for her to use. She doesn't need them in Florida.

My VAN needs to be in the repair shop. I will drive it over today so the shop has it available to work on while I am gone. Will ride back on the Moped, I think it is about 10 miles.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Enbrel..Price tag on your health

Just returned from CVS. Questioned them about the price of Enbrel, if you do not have insurance. Enbrel is what Craig takes, without it I believe he will be in a wheel chair within 5 years.

Craig has used this for the past 6 years. It has been a miracle medicine. His dosage is one injection a week. Used to be two injection.

CVS says the price is $549 an injection. That's $28,548.00 a year, just for the medicine. Add to that the doctor office visits and the blood work. Wow, what are we to do!!!!!

Right now I wish I where a drinking/drug person. But sense I am not, maybe Craig and I can go out to a set down dinner, and talk.

Sleeping 12 to 15 hours..still ill


My cold has a firm grip. My symptoms are the usual- sinus, eyes watering and sneezing. But this tired and sleeping, I think, is the result of the medication.

Amoxicilin and sinus tabs are draining me. Maybe that is the way they are suppose to work.
Next week, company is coming. Now that means the house and Condo are not clean enough for other people. Isn't that how it always is. Taking my tired self and getting prepared.
My older sister is coming from Florida. I am 60 years old and I never remember my sister coming to visit ME. I go visit her all the time. Of course, she is making stops to see other relatives along the way. I am hoping she actually makes it here.

So next week I will start the Condo and meet her in Cave City, Ky and do the Mammoth Cave thing again. Betty, said she wanted to do that. She will visit an aunt in North Carolina , a cousin in Nashville and then drive north on I-65 to Cave City and we will spend 4 or 5 days in the Condo. This trip will make me very happy.

All dressed up for dinner out and a night on the town, Orlando, Fl. Craig was our driving and event coordinator.. Thanks dear husband.

Road trip....yeaaaaaaaah!!!!!
Reader Susan.....where are you????

Monday, October 11, 2010

H'burg, KY...Fighting a cold

How is it that you can feel great, one day, and two or three days later, well you are miserable.

This happens way to often. My husband hardly ever catches what I have. Does that seem fair?? Nooooooooooo.

Even after 4 days of antibiotics, my symptoms have gotten worst. Guess this is a cold. Enough already.

Soon Craig and I will retire and move into the Condo (motorhome). We will full time for a couple of years. We have talked about learning to cook a healthier diet. I am so looking forward to this. Will this improve my susceptibility to colds?

Stay with us and see.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

World Equestrian Games....Last day of work

Tomorrow is Sunday and the last day of the WEG. Closing ceremonies begin at 4 o'clock (pm). I am scheduled for 6 am to 3 pm shift. My cold is horrible but I will try to work and if they let me, get in the Rolex Stadium for the ceremonies.

Maybe if I rest now I can make the whole day tomorrow. My alarm is set for 3:30 am. Sheesh, this is beginning to feel like work. But I have had a great time, seeing all these horses and horse people.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tioga George....Thinking of you

My favorite blog is the Adventures of Tioga and George. George, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

W E G...Lexington, KY....Late night

Princess Haya of Jordan

Spent the whole day and evening at the horse park. Events today where Driving and high jumping.

Just got home and I am tired!!!! Could not find my car in the parking lot. Spent at least 45 minutes looking for the car. In the dark!! Had to ask for help. The parking lot (pasture) people where great and found my car.

Just don't see well at night. What's up with that...I was soooooo turned around in the lot and soooo alone. Kind of scary.

And life goes on.

Note: Doctor visit. Now on a round of Amox TR-K CLV. Seems to be knocking this sore thoart right out. I am sooooo glad I went to the doc instead of trying to fight this on my own.

I must be wise--beyond my years. Ha Ha

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

H'burg, KY...taking sick day

Lots to talk about but not feeling well enough to think.

Guess I got around someone who was sick. My dear husband doesn't like me to visit anyone in the hospital because I will become sick. He is the one with a disease that weakens the immune system but I'm the person who gets sick.

Does this seem fair???? Gosh!! I have a sore throat and have an doctor's appointment for 10:45 am tomorrow.

Are you getting a flu shot?? I will ask the Doc about a flu shot. Last year I did not get a flu shot.

Did you? Does this really help. Just not sure.

I had the Asia flu back in 1968 and last year, the talk was, that year flu was a relative of the 68 flu.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Horses' Olympics...Photos

First, welcome reader Linda. Hope you enjoy the WEG pictures. I loved my time there. I know Monday, with your daughter was the most special time.

.Gal and Totilas. Favored in Dressage and they won.
.These guys where just out for a ride. Since I am not a horse person, well, I don't know what kind of horse this is. But it is beautiful to see.
.I never dreamed I would see this in person. Loved to watch on TV. Again, how lucky am I.





..And the top winner of all. Ahmed, for getting the most out of 3 days of the World Equestrian Games. Good for you Ahmed. Good Job.
..More pictures to follow. Monday and today was a day of rest and catching up on house duties. Tell tomorrow.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The reason we live on Earth

Chocolate, only place that has it is Earth. Good enough for me!!

Attended the Dressage Event at the Horse Olympics last evening and today went to Perryville, Ky and watched a reenactment of a civil war battle.

Will post about this later.
When I picked Ahmed up at the Lexington airport, he came bearing this for a gift.

My congrats to his mother, because he could not have selected a better thank you gift.

Special San Francisco made chocolate delivered by hand. How lucky can I get!!!