Honda CRV….upgrades
Weekends are busy with extra’s. Makes it hard to stop and compose a blog note.
I have found I blog for myself, I have to stop and remember, stop to take pictures, then look at them. All of my summer roundabouts that I have done in the pass 10 years. I didn’t take any pictures, why, well no one looked at them. Not even my husband, so I figured why take the time. Now I get to enjoy the view and enjoy again when I blog (like a journal).
Last evening Craig took me out for dinner. We went to Applebee’s in Danville, KY, about 12 miles south on Hwy 127. Then we shopped at Lowes. I enjoyed the evening, really enjoyed it.
In February I purchased several items for the CRV. Extras that I wanted on a vehicle. Ordered online from Factory Auto Accessories, they are suppose to have genuine factory accessories for Honda, Acuras, and Toyotas. Spent $688.00.
I wanted these carrier racks on top. They where very easy to install.
These rain visors for all the side windows
This is before the visors.
This is with the visors
Craig had to pull the rubber stops down to insert the clips and then pull the protective tape off to stick the things. The clips where confusing but he got it done.
The visors where $106.60 and the rack carrier on top was $210.00. Still have the back door deflector and the fog lamps to install. Well, Craig not me.
Weekends are busy with extra’s. Makes it hard to stop and compose a blog note.
I have found I blog for myself, I have to stop and remember, stop to take pictures, then look at them. All of my summer roundabouts that I have done in the pass 10 years. I didn’t take any pictures, why, well no one looked at them. Not even my husband, so I figured why take the time. Now I get to enjoy the view and enjoy again when I blog (like a journal).
Last evening Craig took me out for dinner. We went to Applebee’s in Danville, KY, about 12 miles south on Hwy 127. Then we shopped at Lowes. I enjoyed the evening, really enjoyed it.
In February I purchased several items for the CRV. Extras that I wanted on a vehicle. Ordered online from Factory Auto Accessories, they are suppose to have genuine factory accessories for Honda, Acuras, and Toyotas. Spent $688.00.
I wanted these carrier racks on top. They where very easy to install.
These rain visors for all the side windows
This is before the visors.
This is with the visors
Craig had to pull the rubber stops down to insert the clips and then pull the protective tape off to stick the things. The clips where confusing but he got it done.
The visors where $106.60 and the rack carrier on top was $210.00. Still have the back door deflector and the fog lamps to install. Well, Craig not me.
Note: I lost a follower tonight. Hi Robert hope all is well with you. Where are you and your pretty wife??
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